Thursday, April 20, 2006

Meet "The President" (aka: Clematis)

As I've said before, I just love spring. Haven't done much "deep cleaning" in my house yet, but I'm really enjoying working out in my yard. Talking to Denea on the phone the otherday I was telling her how "The President" was really strutting his stuff this spring. "Take a picture and e-mail it to me, mom." What a novel idea!

I planted it 4 or 5 years ago and each year it comes back a little fuller and blooms all summer long. I just love it! So do the next door neighbors children!

Working out in the yard a couple of evenings ago, I watched as one little guy picked and picked until he had stripped all the blooms on his side of the fence. Initially, I was getting a little agitated with him until I remembered how Landon delighted in bringing me flowers he had picked when he was just about this boy's age. I also remembered how delighted I was each time he did! And so I'm glad that there were blooms on his side of the fence that his little hands could reach. Perhaps one day in the near future another pair of little hands will pick blooms from my side of the fence!

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