Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Count Your Many Blessings . . .

. . . name them one by one!

I was sitting here doing just that and thought, "Wouldn't it be fun and encouraging if I shared some of my blessings with you and you did the same with me?" I'll even go first, how about that?

~ comfortable home - I greeted the morning having had a peaceful night's rest in a soft bed in a cool room in a nice home in a safe neighborhood.

~ a hot cup of coffee - I love that first cup of coffee in the morning but today I am aware that to have the "choice" of coffee is a blessing. Many people will not even have a cup of clear, clean water to drink much less enough food to feed their family.
(one of my favorite cups)

~ family - This morning I have been blessed to hear the voices of people I love even though two of them now live thousands of miles away.

~ technology - I have "visited" the home of my son and daughter-in-law in East Asia without ever leaving my house. (Want to visit? Go to and click on "Come On In!")

~ the view out my window - Butterflies are dancing around the passion plant that trails the fence around our backyard while a squirrel scampers around the branches of the tree. I wonder if God placed them there just to make my heart smile?

So here are just of few of mine. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you!

(Browneyes, you got me! I'm stumped!)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

So Much to Do . . . So Little Time

I've learned life never slows down, not even after retirement! My mom periodically reminds me it's been quite some time since I have updated my blog. She's right. I thought once I was no longer working I would have lots of time to blog, read, and attend to household chores that have gone begging for far too long. Hmmm. I haven't read anything to speak of for months now, haven't taken time to blog since June, but can boast that I have made some headway on the homefront having disposed of a great deal of "stuff" through a garage sale (thanks to Denea for a tremendous amount of help in getting ready, working the sale and then hauling away the remains!!!).

Since my last post, we have helped Landon & Alycia store, give away or throw away their household belongings in preparation for leaving for East Asia in just a couple of weeks. Other than what has been stored at various family member's homes, they have reduced their belongings to what will fit in 4 suitcases. Just imagine the challenge of trying to pack what you will need/want for the next 4 years into 4 pieces of luggage. I spoke with Landon the other day. He and Alycia were doing a "trial" packing to see what needed to be omitted or where something might could be included.

Time and again I've wondered if I could possibly do what they are doing . . . basically walk away from almost every "thing" I own to begin again in a totally new culture.

I've also had the opportunity to visit with Jake and Denea several times and help get the nursery ready for Kayley's arrival. ETA: October 3. Denea has done a wonderful job of decorating, never ceasing to amaze me with her creativity (I still haven't figured out where she got it). I tease her often that Kayley will need sunglasses for her room.

When I was expecting my firstborn, I was blessed to have a mom who was an awesome seamstress. She made the coverlet, bumper pad and dust ruffle for the baby bed as well as blankets, sleepers, etc. Denea, on the other hand, was blessed by a sister-in-law who made her a really cute baby quilt and helped with the bumper pad and dust ruffle. My contribution? One of the few things I know how to do . . . latchhook. I made the rug!

Here's a snapshot of the room

Our family got to enjoy a week at Petit Jean State Park in Arkansas the last week of July, sort of our last "family" get-together before Landon and Alycia leave. We had a wonderful week of hiking, eating, card games, eating, geo-caching, eating . . . well, you get the idea. Our cabin could not have been more perfect. It had a screened-in porch on the back that opened onto a deck overlooking a cliff. Well, as they say, a picture's worth a thousand words so I'll just show it to you.

One thing we've never done is have a family portrait made. Thanks to Becky Peterman who drove up with her husband, Tony, from Hot Springs to do the honors.

And so, in abbreviated form, that's what's been happening since June.

Thanks for stopping by and please, feel free to leave comments.

Until next time - Memento Vivere!!